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News prince abdulaziz bin saad launches environmental projects in hail

​his royal highness prince abdulaziz bin saad bin abdulaziz, emir of hail region, inaugurated 11 projects of the environment, water, and agriculture system at a cost of more than 642 million saudi riyals. he also laid the foundation stone for 22 water, environmental and agricultural projects at a cost of more than 842 million saudi riyals. the minister of environment, water, and agriculture engineer abdulrahman bin abdulmohsin al-fadhli, deputy mayor of the region adel bin saleh al-alsheikh and a number of officials of the emirate and the ministry of environment, water and agriculture attended the event.prince abdulaziz praised the continuous support of the wise leadership for the region's projects in the fields of environment and water. he praised the role of the ministry of environment, water and agriculture and those in charge of the ministry's branches in the region. he also noted that the transition of these projects from the idea and dream stage to the implementation stage promotes optimism for the future of coming generations, in light of the harmony and integration of various ministries and service departments, in addition to the active role of the private sector. moreover, he stressed his keenness to promote a comprehensive development system that benefits the citizens and residents of the region.for his part, the minister of environment, water and agriculture explained that these projects come as a continuation of the implementation of the ministry's plan in all regions of the kingdom, according to ambitious strategies to achieve the objectives of the kingdom's vision 2030. the minister pointed out that the number of projects launched in the region today amounted to 11 water projects, at a total cost exceeding 642 million saudi riyals, implemented by the national water company (nwc), contributing to water sustainability in the region. he indicated that these projects include developing a number of water stations, completing water transmission lines and sewage networks in the region at lengths of 307,661 meters, completion of the remaining works of the sewerage networks project in hail city. the first phase will include the implementation and construction of sub-networks and main lines with a total length of 218,532 meters to support the strategy of preserving the environment and protecting the region from the effects of sewage leakage into surface waters, in addition to the construction of 23 water dams with a total capacity of 7,000 cubic meters to supply water to the beneficiaries and increase the percentage of water coverage in the region.eng. al-fadhli pointed out that within the framework of enhancing water resources, sustainability, and securing them in reliable quantities and high quality, expanding sewage networks and treatment, eliminating environmental damage, and developing the agricultural sector in the kingdom, 22 environmental, water, and agricultural projects worth more than sr 842 million were initiated. they include nwc laying the foundation stone of 11 environmental and water projects worth more than sr 684 million, including 5 water projects worth more than sr 356 million, including the implementation of a water network al-mada'in plan, a water transmission line in the city of hail with a length of 281,000 meters, the development of water networks central hail, and the implementation of water networks in the governorates and villages of the region with lengths exceeding 300,000 meters, and the implementation of water networks in the governorates and villages of the region with a length of more than 300,000 meters, in addition to 6 environmental projects that include the construction of a number of sewage networks and increasing the coverage rate of water and sewage services in the region at a cost of more than sr 327 pointed out that the foundation stone projects in the region included the national center for the development of vegetation cover and combating desertification (ncvc) laying the foundation stone for 7 projects aimed at developing vegetation cover and supporting afforestation work in the region with a value exceeding sr 116.5 million, and the ministry’s laying the foundation stone for the project to fill and fortify 1200 abandoned and exposed wells at a cost exceeding sr 3.6 million. the sustainable agricultural rural development program “saudi reef” also includes laying the foundation stone for (3) projects to establish and equip the marketing services center for agricultural products, the establishment of a model farm complex for animal production, and a station for breeding queen bees at a cost of more than sr 38 million.the minister praised the growth of the performance indicators (kpis) of the subsidy programs provided to the region, which witnessed a remarkable development through the support provided through the agricultural subsidies program. generous support was provided to the livestock, poultry, beekeeping and rural development sectors amounting to more than sr 286 million. he stressed that the agricultural development fund (adf) contributed to the financing of 767 projects in 2023 with a value exceeding sr 120 million, supporting 883 projects in the region during the current year with a funding value exceeding sr 142 million, and contributed to giving 608 loans with a total value exceeding sr 274 million. during the current year, adf provided 900 loans with a value exceeding sr 115 million in the the end of his statement, the minister stressed that the water, environment and agriculture projects that have been inaugurated and laid the groundwork for them in the region will contribute to increasing the coverage rates of water services, meeting the growing demand for water services, improving the quality of services provided, increasing the operational efficiency of water transport and distribution, making full use of rainwater, increasing the productivity of strategic crops, improving operational performance, increasing the green areas in the region and providing sustainable environmental solutions in line with the objectives of the kingdom's vision 2030.

News nwc starts implementing 12 water and sanitation projects in hail

​the national water company (nwc), represented by its northern cluster, has started the implementation of 12 water and environmental projects in various parts of the hail region. the total cost amounts to more than 531 million saudi riyals to increase the coverage of water and environmental services, improve their quality, and keep pace with the increasing demand.the company said it has started the implementation of 5 environmental projects with a total cost of about 238 million saudi riyals, with the length of pipes and networks exceeding 226,000 meters, as well as the construction of a lifting station with a capacity of more than 3,900 cubic meters per day.nwc added that it has started implementing 7 water projects to supply its customers in the hail region. these projects include the construction of reservoirs, water pipelines of various diameters and water pumping stations t a total cost of more than 293 million saudi riyals, and the length of lines and networks exceeded 374,000 meters. the projects also included the completion of 56 operational reservoirs with a total capacity of 33,500 cubic meters, in addition to completing the implementation of 3 pumping stations with a total capacity of more than 53,600 cubic meters per day, and completing the implementation of a number of water tankers’ filling stations.the company emphasized that these projects come under its objectives and strategies aimed at expanding the provision of water and environmental services, keeping pace with the increasing growth in demand for the services, in addition to the company’s continuous endeavor to improve the quality of life and services provided to customers.

The National Water Company (a Saudi joint stock company, wholly owned by the state represented by the Public Investment Fund) was established in 2008, providing water and wastewater services on sound commercial bases in accordance with the international best practices.

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