Whenever you suspect anything related to violations, wrong behavior, and unlawful conduct, or immoral behavior, or those that violate NWC’s policies, values, procedures, and/or instructions issued by those who work for the same, its current or former employees, representatives, members of its board of directors, members of its committees, its joint ventures, contractors, suppliers, customers, partners or volunteers, and any third party carrying out work within the range or limits of NWC’s properties or areas of work; including behaviors taking place inside or outside NWC headquarters relevant to the Company’s reputation and affecting the performance of its employees or exposes the Company to criticism by others; you can report these violations by calling (0114407801) or through the following form (Regarding customer complaints and reports, you can contact the number 8004411110) "We warn against malicious reports"

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The National Water Company (a Saudi joint stock company, wholly owned by the state represented by the Public Investment Fund) was established in 2008, providing water and wastewater services on sound commercial bases in accordance with the international best practices.

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